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أنشودة سبحان الله سبحانك ربي ماهر زين تحميل Mp3

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كلمات المقطع

سبحان الله ...
سبحانك ربي سبحانك
سبحانك ما أعظم شانك
ندعوك ونرجوا غفرانك

Subhanaka rabbi subhanek
Glory be to You my Lord
Subhanaka maa'dhama shaenek
Glory be to You, how great is Your Highness
Nad'uka wa narju ghofranek
We pray to You and we want You to forgive us
As I traveled through the earth
I can’t help but notice
The symphony I hear all around
from the smallest grain of sand
to the faraway planets
to a flower put in roots in the ground
Every bird in the sky
Every rock and every raindrop
Says as it falls from the clouds
every ant, every plant
every breeze and all the seas
They all sing